Saturday, June 13, 2020

Kemmerer, Wyoming

We stopped here because it was in the right place on the map. As we rolled into town it was clear that Kemmerer is on the far side of its heyday. Not overly impressed, we stopped to replenish some groceries. As we were paying, I asked the nice high school girl who was checking us out if there was a bike path (no pool at the hotel so we were hoping to go for a ride) and where to eat. She steered us right on both counts!

We followed the bike path, then explored a road less traveled and found another path along an old railroad bed. Eventually, we got to the Rotary Community Park and Sam was in heaven! A par-core/ ninja playground for big kids!

They raced to see who could ring the bell first.

Jim was ahead, but Sam pulled through in the end.

Next was the monkey bar race.

Jim won this one.

Sam wants one of these in the yard...

Ali scared off two marmots when she rode onto the bridge!

Fossil Butte National Monument

An obscure monument in the hills of Wyoming. It's hot and dry even though this used to be the bottom of an ancient sea. The sea creatures left layers of fossils in the buttes!

It was a climb up to the quarry.

Do you see the fish skeleton? (It's a faint black line that looks like the spine.)

We met the paleontologist who was excavating the site. It's a long long process. (And requires more dedication and patience than any of us can muster!)

All the black marks are the places where they found fish skeletons.

You can barely see the tiny quarry high on the hill. We are not sure how they found the first fossils there!

Welcome to Wyoming!

Leaving Utah

We don't often take photos of the state signs as we leave, but this is a different sign than the ones in the Southern part of the state. 

Mirror Lake

A beautiful spot high in the mountains. We hiked the trail around the lake and enjoyed the view, the flowers, and the water. It was the wind we could have done without!

Snack stop on the far side of the lake.

Mirror Lake Scenic Highway, Uinta Mountains, Utah

We left Heber City and headed up into the mountains on our way to Wyoming. We started at a high elevation but ended up above 10,000 feet. We stopped at the overlook and the rest of the family took advantage of the abundant snow piles!

The cease-fire lasted long enough for some photos!

Friday, June 12, 2020

Hungry Bunny Brownie Dessert

The name got them! Warm brownie with toasted marshmallow and whipped cream. Yum!

Bridal Veil Falls, Provo Canyon, Utah

Sam jumped right in and went climbing!

She found a throne!

Shaved Ice!

There was a shaved ice truck right in the middle of the canyon. A delicious stop along our ride!

Root beer and strawberry flavors.

Erosion (a.k.a. Sam) made an ice arch!

Biking in Provo Canyon

We stopped for a picnic, bike ride, and visit to Bridal Veil Falls.

We like Rails-to-Trails because they aren't very steep. 6 miles on this path and it was great!

The Sanpitch Dragon, Gunnison, Utah

A cool mosaic under the bridge on the bike path that follows the Sanpitch River. Made from all sorts of broken tile with fun shapes mixed in. When cars cross the bridge it sounds like the dragon’s roar!

Ali's favorite hidden picture!

Butch Cassidy’s Boyhood Home

It feels like we are on the Butch Cassidy tour of Southern Utah. This site was about the real outlaw (Robert Leroy Parker) not the movie. His family lived here when he was a teen. They stayed- he left and started robbing banks. Super interesting to see an example of Mormon homestead life in the 1800s. It was a hard existence!

A new career for Sam?

The girls couldn't figure out what it was. Jim knew right away- a manure wagon! (or as the girls fondly named it, "The Manure Spewer"!)

Fun facts about our favorite outlaw!